My Partner not Want to Go to Counselling

What if My Partner Doesn’t Want to Go to Counselling

It can be frustrating if your partner is hesitant about therapy. Men can be resistant about going to therapy. Dr. Michael Dadson had an advantage that includes decades of specializing in working with men. If you find yourself in this situation, it’s important to have an open and honest conversation about their concerns and reservations. Understanding your partners perspective and validating their feelings, even if you don’t agree with them is important.

It may be helpful to explore your partner’s underlying reasons for their resistance. Is there a fear of vulnerability or skepticism about the effectiveness of therapy? It's also important to communicate the potential benefits of therapy and how it can improve the relationship. Letting your partner know that they need to feel comfortable with the therapist and their feelings matter can help.

Research supports the effectiveness of couples counselling for growing couples satisfaction with their relationship. If a lifetime relationship is what you and your partner, finding the right therapist, with the skills and experience to support you can truly help you achieve your goals.

It is possible to start counselling with a trial session or two to give your partner an idea of what counselling to expect. Therapy is a collaborative process, and it is important for your partner to understand that both of you are invested and comfortable in the counselling process.

Seeking individual therapy, yourself is also an option to work through your own emotions and relationship concerns. A therapist can provide you with options and skills to improve your relationship.

It is also possible for your partner to attend therapy themselves to address their concerns or issues they believe are affecting your relationship. Once their concerns are addressed, your partner may be open to counselling together.

Alternative forms of support are also an option. Support groups, local online resources, and credible self-help books can be a start.

It is important to understand therapy is often the most effective way to address concerns and issues in your relationship if both partners are working together.

Effective therapy will help you grow in ways you might not expect but will feel grateful for. Ultimately, it's important to remember that therapy is a personal choice and that you cannot force your partner to attend.

Remember, it is not possible to force someone to go to therapy. However, communicating your relationship concerns and prioritizing your mental health is a top priority. Being the person who is capable of achieving the relationship goals you have and finding the person who is ready to be in the relationship you would like and working together for that relationship takes maturity, insight and resilience. Asking for help can make all the difference. Finding the right kind of help through counselling can be life changing.

About Counselling with Dr. Mike Dadson: What would you say to a person who is thinking about counselling?
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